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Thoughts & Inspiration

On December 18th we went to downtown Chiang Mai to a strip of bars. I will never forget this night. God had specific ways for us to work that night. The boys went and prayed while the girls split into smaller groups to go be the hands and feet of Jesus in the bars. Just walking down that strip gave me this feeling of disgust. You see these old men touching and flirting with these young beautiful girls. It took a lot not to just get angry with the men, but they are in need of Jesus just as much as the prostitutes! Honestly I do get angry at the injustice though…read this blog by my teammate Cody…
Anyways, I was with Mae and Bia and we felt led to go to this one bar where a girl was collapsed over the bar stool inside. No one was helping her or even seemed to care. It felt very dark and I felt overwhelmed. My heart broke for her. I wanted to just hold her and let her know how much she was worth in the eyes of God. I wanted her to know that there was an almighty king that has loved her since the beginning of time. I wanted her to know that she is not alone. I wanted her to know she is not ugly, or only good for sex, or just an item to be bought at a bar.
I remember praying at points and crying out to God for her to be released of this thing inside her. She couldn’t even talk to us because of the drugs that had consumed her body. We prayed that God would just fill her up with only himself and cast out anything that was not of Him. I could see the struggle in her and by the end of the night we had to carry her to her bed.
I think of this beautiful girl very often and pray that God would reveal himself to her. I pray that she can find her worth and value in Christ, not make-up, or drugs, or men. I pray that she will be wrapped in the arms of Jesus so that she can know she is loved and she was worth it! She was worth dying for.
To get another perspective and some AMAZING blogs please click the links below. Julie and Angela are two girls on my team.

6 responses to “Worth it.”

  1. You are learning so much Bekah, you are the hands and feet of Jesus. My prayer for all of you is protection and to be effective in sharing Christ to the corners of the world that has no light. Proud of you. Keep up the good work.

  2. I couldn’t be more proud of you girls. I saw some pictures on your mom’s facebook last night of our last visit together. It made me want to cry. Thank you for living your life for the glory and pleasure of Jesus.

  3. Even though we miss you terribly … Yea, it’s worth it! You’re learning so much about the world and about God. So good to know He’s got you in His hands.

  4. As you are a lover of lyrics that quote His Word…you know I am too…The One the wind and waves obey is strong enough to save you! YES! She is someone worth dying for…what an amazing revelation! Praying with fervent prayers for strength in Him to continue this work…blessings on your Hands and Feet for Him.

  5. HI Bekah, Bless you for not being judgemental but knowing that the girls need to know and Hear that God loves them. I went to a seminar last spring with other women about this very issue. We heard a young women speak. She had run away from home when she was 12 1/2.( her father was an alcholic who beat her mother and sexually abused her ) She lived on the streets in Chicago and was a prostitute until she was 20 and was saved and found herself thru a program called Hear Me I am worth it ! She is now 24 and ready to graduate from College with a nursing degree. Considering she left home before she was 13 she passed her GED on the first try and then was able to enter college thru a special funded program. She is a success story. I thank God every day that he put you in my life. I am blessed to know you.
    YOU are so worth my prayers ~~ See you this summer. Love, Mary

  6. HI Bekah, Bless you for not being judgemental but knowing that the girls need to know and Hear that God loves them. I went to a seminar last spring with other women about this very issue. We heard a young women speak. She had run away from home when she was 12 1/2.( her father was an alcholic who beat her mother and sexually abused her ) She lived on the streets in Chicago and was a prostitute until she was 20 and was saved and found herself thru a program called Hear Me I am worth it ! She is now 24 and ready to graduate from College with a nursing degree. Considering she left home before she was 13 she passed her GED on the first try and then was able to enter college thru a special funded program. She is a success story. I thank God every day that he put you in my life. I am blessed to know you.
    YOU are so worth my prayers ~~ See you this summer. Love, Mary