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My teammate Angela and I are going to try to help out a family here in Mpeketoni so read below to find out how you can help!

I need some help to meet the needs of an incredibly beautiful neighbor. Her name is Elisabeth and she has 4 children. She has never been married and before she knew Jesus, she worked as a prostitute. After all I saw and experienced in the red light district in Phuket, Thailand- my heart broke for her.

I love her kids. They are so sweet and spunky. And very young- 8, 5, 2, and less than a year old. Im praising the Lord because I team that was here before us has taken care of the school fees for this family! This has taken a giant burden off of Elisabeth's shoulders.But meeting their basic needs is still a problem for this family. They live in a very tiny house and her kids are under fed. Her sweet  baby Lawrence has a huge hernia. Her only job experience before now was prostitution, so work is hard to find. Sometimes she finds odd jobs on farms during harvest time, but it just isnt enough.

I did all this detective work today because I feel a deep burden for her and her kids. When I spoke with Bishop about her, he told me that her dream is to open a small business selling old and gently used clothing in town. This is a GREAT idea.  He has been praying for a very long time that God would provide a means for her to start this. She wants to be able to support her family, she wants work, and she certainly does not want to be forced back into her old lifestyle. However, she is a passionate mother who will do what she can to take care of her children.

I want to help her. We need to about $200 to start her up and get this thing going for her. I know that so many of you have already given so much. I would not be asking if I did not believe that this was important. An entire family, 5 lives, will be changed if we can come up with this money. I have 2 months left here and I want to be able to collect this money soon so that we will have time to start the business with her and assist her with anything she needs.

Pray about it. If you can give, you can send a check (made out to me) or cash to this address:

Angela Winsor
1445 Longlea Terrace
Wellington, Fl. 33414

All donations will be deposited into my account where I can access them at the local bank and hand them over to Elisabeth (under the supervision of Bishop) and we can start this project!

If you have any questions or just want to contact me, feel free to email me at [email protected] or comment below.

Please help us help this family!!

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

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