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 The people in the church made this sign for us.

We’ve been here for 2 days and it has been so eye opening and amazing! The people we are staying with have been so welcoming to us. We are staying at “Nueva Vida,” which is a missions base here in Jinotepe. Our sleeping arrangements are very pleasant. There are 2 rooms with bunk beds, so we all have our own beds with sheets. Although we have had to adjust to living here, it’s been such a blessing to have all that we do.

“Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ. For we were all baptized by one Spirit so as to form one body-whether Jew or Gentiles, slave or free-and we were all given the one Spirit to drink. Even so the body is made up of one part but of many.”
                           -1 Corinthians 12:12-14

The biggest thing I’ve noticed is that our team has already been working together as a family. We are all separate parts that have separate gifts that we can use to work together. Whether it’s cleaning or cooking food we all have found a place to help out and serve each other. We also have to shop and budget ourselves so it’s been a great learning experience. By the end of this trip I’ll be ready to live on my own! (kidding Mom)
The church welcomed our group the other night. It was great to meet everyone and see how excited they were to have us here. We were able to worship with them and hear their hearts for what’s happening here in the community. Some of our team got to lead a couple songs, which was so fun. Hopefully we can learn more Spanish soon so we can sing along and lead with them. Even through the language barrier we have started to build friendships with the people in the area.

Casa Mateo, the hotel we go to get wifi

Julie and I taking the taxi back home from the market

Mae, my AMAZING team leader

5 responses to “Bienvenidos a Nicaragua!”

  1. When you say that you have to shop and budget for yourselves, do you do that as a group, like communal living? It would be easier that day. Who gives you the budget and the $$ (or some other currency) for shopping? A taxi from the market? Sounds like high living to me!

    Do you know what work you will be doing yet?

    We’ve been thinking about you every day, and we are so happy we got to spend some time with you before you left and at your “last breakfast.”

    Much LOVE.

  2. Auntie Linda!
    We are budgeting together as a team so that’s good, but my personal money is what I need to keep under control. The organization we are with makes the budget and stuff and we have a finance person who was chosen from our group.
    Our taxi ride was great actually. We only like about 25 minutes from town, but we went grocery shopping so it was too heavy to walk back.
    I’ll update again real soon about what we are specifically doing because we haven’t started much yet. Great to hear from you!

  3. Bekah, God is working thru you to bring his love to others. God gave you your gift, it is up to you to use it to his glory. I am so glad your new ” family ” is working togehter. Have a good week. To God be all the glory.
    Peace ~~Mary

  4. Hey Bekah, I think you’re a light for Jesus and am so excited for how God will be working though you!